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Presidents summit

Organizing Committee
Coorganizing Institutions

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Fundación para la
Educación Superior
Internacional, A.C.
Call for papers

Versión en Español

Fundación para la Educación Superior Internacional, A.C.
Coorganizing Institutions, Organizations and Sponsors
International Conference
Global: "Networking into the Future"
Veracruz, Ver., Mexico
April 25-28, 1999

Proposals for papers

Papers in all relevant fields (15 minutes/6 pages), in English, French or Spanish will be considered by the Organizing Committee. Proposals (350 words) and a brief CV should be sent rigth away. Final papers should be in before March 20th.. Further information:

Important notes

Each paper should clearly indicate the nature of its contribution, and the problems, domains, or environments to which it is applicable with a global and prospective approach. Final papers should be submited ASAP, to maintain good standards of organization  Authors are required to attend the conference to present their paper personally and participate in the discussion. It is therefore necessary that at least one author registers for the Conference.

Visit the conference Web page at
or the mirror Web page:


1 International Education IE
2 International Relations IR
3 International Alliances (Bussiness, Universities Collaboration Programs, Etc. ) IA
4 International Job Market IJM
5 International Future of Science, Technology and Knowledge ISTK
6 Global Market Opportunities GMO
7 Global Society GS
8 Multinational Projects MP
9 Universities and Organizations International Affairs UOIA
10 Impact of Technology on Learning ITOL

Important note to potential authors:

Papers should be conceived within a prospective approach.

Final Instructions

Please follow format and style

Title must be in capital letters centred on the page (Times New Roman character 14). Authors must be identified by first name, initial and surname (family name): indicate your affiliation in the notes at the foot of the page. An informative abstract of no more than 100 words must accompany each manuscript, written in Italics (Time New Roman 12). Use single spacing throughout.

Please note the following general requirement

1) The authors should prepare the papers on computer and send them by floppy disc or E-mail, Microsoft Word6 DOC or Ascii files . Divide the text into sections, with clearly indicated headings (Times New Roman 14, boldface). Text should be in block letters (Times New Roman 12). All papers must follow exactly these margins: top and bottom 2,5cm; left and right 3cm.
2) Acceptance for publication will be based on the final papers and the Program Committee reserves the right to exclude papers for reason of quality, content, language, appearance, or otherwise.
3) All papers must be written in English, Spanish or French.
4) Contributions must not exceed (6) A4 pages, including figures, references, etc.
5) Authors are required to attend the conference to present their paper personally and participate in the discussion. It is therefore necessary that at least one author register for the Conference.
6) All illustrations must be numbered and cited in the text, and can be submitted in separate files (one for each figure), using TIFF, GIF, JPG or EPS files or included in the original Word document. Photographs must be in TIFF, GIF or JPG format. All illustration should be put as close to their mention as possible and reduced to proper size to fit within the text.
7) Type legends in Times New Roman character 12. Use only standard symbols and abbreviations in text and illustrations. When symbols, arrows, numbers, or letters are used to identify parts of the illustrations, identify and explain them clearly in the legend. Tables should be self-explanatory and should supplement, not duplicate the text. Cite each table in the text in consecutive order; number tables consecutively and supply a brief title for each. Place explanatory matter in the footnotes, not in the headings.
8) References should be written in Times New Roman 10, numbered consecutively as they appear in the text within brackets (i.e. [1]) and listed at the end of the paper. Full bibliographic details should be given according to normal scientific standards.
9) Curriculum Vitae and Photographs.
A short curriculum vitae should be typed on the last page of your paper (no more than 10 lines). Attach a color photograph ( passport size) of each author. Write the name of the person behind each photograph using a soft pencil.

When your paper is ready

Send Final Paper, short CV and photo via email to or the floppy disk and the original of the paper, together with three good quality copies by courrier service as soon as possible to:

The Program Committee,
Global: "Networking into the Future"
Moctezuma # 65 C.P. 91000
Xalapa, Veracruz, MEXICO

Remember that the paper must arrive before March 20th..

Please spread the word about the Conference. Thanks!

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